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You Have Rights After A Dog Bite

People often consider dogs to be humans’ best friends. However, sometimes a dog can attack, leading to serious injuries and complications. Dog attacks and bites can result in painful injuries, permanent scarring and a lifetime of mental trauma.

At AK Injury Law Firm in San Diego, we can help you hold negligent pet owners and other responsible parties accountable for your injuries. Our founding attorney, Dr. Azadeh Keshavarz, has a decade of experience helping injured patients as a chiropractor. She has seen the serious damage dog bites can cause and uses this medical knowledge to build a strong personal injury case.

Guiding You Through The Legal Process

In California, you can hold pet owners liable for the injuries their pet causes. Unlike other states, California does not require you to prove negligence or a history of viciousness to recover compensation in a lawsuit. As long as you were lawfully on the property where the attack happened, and not trespassing, you can file a valid claim. However, if the dog owner asserts that you provoked the dog, partial fault can reduce the total amount of your recovery.

The process of filing a personal injury lawsuit for a dog bite can differ from other accidents. To have a strong claim, you must photograph the bite weekly, provide evidence of the nature of the injury and document permanent scarring.

Common dog bite injuries include:

  • Lacerations
  • Scarring
  • Nerve damage
  • Eye injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Brain injuries

Many dog attack victims hesitate to file a claim because they do not want to be the cause of financial hardships for the dog owner or get them in trouble. However, the owner’s homeowners or renters insurance will typically pay for your personal injury claim.

Learn More About How We Can Help You

At AK Injury Law Firm, we are passionate about fighting for your rights. If you suffered injuries from a dog bite, you deserve compensation for your medical expenses, mental anguish, and pain and suffering. Schedule a free consultation by completing our online contact form or calling us at 877-769-8905.